
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Summer Learning Journey, Week 1: Day 1 - Bonus Activity

Waka Ama

In my opinion I would like to be in a Waka Ama race because I like challenging activities. I also think it would be a whole lot of fun. I bet if I started rowing a waka, I would get really fit. If I ever made it into a waka ama race, I would enjoy it but at the same time I would feel tired and exhausted. It must be a lot of exercise!

By Cassandra   


  1. Kia Ora Cassandra,

    My name is Rachel and I am working with Cia on the Summer Learning Journey programme this year. It's great to see that you have now completed all of the Day #1 activities. Well done!

    Like you, I would love to try Waka Ama one day. I think that it would be a great challenge. You would certainly have to be fit and strong but I think that you could train yourself into becoming a great waka ama participant.

    When I was a young girl I learned how to paddle a canoe (a small waka). My dad loves the out-of-doors and he took my sister and I out on the water when we were really small to teach us. I wonder if Waka Ama boats are easier to paddle than canoes...

    Hopefully, we will both have the chance to try Waka Ama one day and find out what it is all about! In the meantime, I hope that you are having a restful and relaxing holiday season. I will look forward to reading more of your posts as the summer goes along. Do you have any special plans this summer?

    I am hoping to take my son, Aronui, camping for a few days but, otherwise, we are just going to hang around Auckland and enjoy the sunshine!

    All the best to you and your family for a happy and healthy 2018.

    Rachel :)

  2. Fakalofa lahi atu Cassandra,

    wow, I love how descriptive and thoughtful your response is, I too would love to try Waka Ama one day even if it does seem like it would drain all of my energy rowing. I agree that it would indeed be very exhausting and I appreciate how awesome you are for liking a challenge! Maybe next time you could add a picture of a Waka, so that your readers who may not know what it looks like, can see.

    One day I’d like to paddle a Waka in the Waikato river, it has such beautiful scenery surrounding it. If you could go anywhere in the world, which river would you choose to compete in for Waka Ama? Let me know when you find your dream river!

    You’ve completed all week one, day one activities, ka mau te wehi! Keep up the excellent work Cassandra, I look forward to reading more of your posts over this very hot summer!

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i,


  3. Kia ora Cassandra,

    You have written an great opinion about why you would like to be in a waka ama race. I think it is an awesome trait you have acknowledge in yourself that you enjoy challenges and waka ama would definitely be a fun challenge. The reason I would love to join a waka ama team is because you are able share your wins and loses with a group of friends. This shared experience gives me an awesome feeling of unity and team work. Are you involved in any activity where you are able to work as a team with your friends?

    Hopefully one day we can both have a go at waka ama.There is a waka ama team at my University so maybe I could think about joining their team.

    Have an incredible day Cassandra,

  4. Hi there Cassandra,

    My name is Toeumu and i am a student in room 3 at Wesley Primary School.

    I like how you have decided that you would want to be in a waka race. Nice reasons for why iswell.I totally agree that it is because you like challenges i like challenges too. Maybe next time you could add a picture/photo to make it more interesting. This reminds me of when i did this post and i said that i would because it is worth a try and you can practice by using teamwork.

    Do you do any sport or activity that includes teamwork?

    Have a wonderful day,


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